NAV Navbar API provides a powerful RESTful API, giving you programmatic access to Txbit's trading platform. We offer an easy to manage API Key authenthication method, and you can have multiple API keys, each with their own levels of different permisions.

Content type used for all requests is application/json and go over https.

All requests use GET method. The success flag will denote if your API call succeeded.

The base url is

The endpoint format is as follows:{method}?param=value

Requests are limited to 10 per second per IP address.

API Endpoint Reference

Txbit API is broken down into three groups, some of which are public and do not require any authentication, as well as private, and do need authentication for access.


$ch = curl_init($uri); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('apisign:'.strtoupper($sign))); 
$execResult = curl_exec($ch); 
$obj = json_decode($execResult);

To create and manage your API keys, go to Profile > Settings > API Keys

API Permissions:

For authentication, we use standard HMAC-SHA512 signing method. Append apikey and nonce to your request and calculate the HMAC hash, then include it under the apisign header.

Public API


JSON Response Example


Used to get the open and available trading markets at along with other meta data.


Query Parameters


Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
MarketCurrency String Trading pair currency ticker
BaseCurrency String Base market currency ticker
MarketCurrencyLong String Trading pair currency full name
BaseCurrencyLong String Base market currency full name
MinTradeSize Decimal Minimum total order value for it to be valid
MarketName String Market Name: Trade Pair ticker / Base Market ticker
IsActive Boolean Trading Market availability (true or false)
Created String Date and time of when the market was created, timestamp in ISO 8601 format


JSON Response Example


Used to get all supported assets on along with other meta data.


Query Parameters


Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Currency String Currency ticker
CurrencyLong String Currency full name
MinConfirmation Integer Amount of confirmations for a deposit
CoinType String Type of codebase, ie. BTC, XMR, ETH
TxFee Decimal Withdrawal fee
IsActive Boolean If currency wallet is live (true or false)
BaseAddress String Token contract address (ERC20 Tokens for ETH)


JSON Response Example


Used to get current tick values for a market.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Bid Decimal The highest current buy price
Ask Decimal The lowest current sell price
Last Decimal Last sold price


JSON Response Example

         "DisplayMarketName":"Solaris - Bitcoin"
         "DisplayMarketName":"Ethereum - Bitcoin"

Used to get the last 24 hour summary of all active markets.


Query Parameters


Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
MarketName String Market Name: Trade Pair ticker / Base Market ticker
High Decimal The highest sold price during last 24 hours
Low Decimal The lowest sold price during last 24 hours
Volume Decimal 24h volume in pair amount
Last Decimal Last sold price
BaseVolume Decimal 24h volume in base market amount
TimeStamp String Date and time of when the market was created, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Bid Decimal The highest current buy price
Ask Decimal The lowest current sell price
OpenBuyOrders Integer Amount of buy orders in the orderbook
OpenSellOrders Integer Amount of sell orders in the orderbook
PrevDay Decimal Last sold price exactly 24h ago
Created String Date and time of when the market was created, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
DisplayMarketName String Full name of the market


JSON Response Example

      "DisplayMarketName":"Solaris - Bitcoin"

Used to get the last 24 hour summary of a specific market.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)

Returned Parameters


Parameter Parameter Type Description
MarketName String Market Name: Trade Pair ticker / Base Market ticker
High Decimal The highest sold price during last 24 hours
Low Decimal The lowest sold price during last 24 hours
Volume Decimal 24h volume in pair amount
Last Decimal Last sold price
BaseVolume Decimal 24h volume in base market amount
TimeStamp String Date and time of when the market was created, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Bid Decimal The highest current buy price
Ask Decimal The lowest current sell price
OpenBuyOrders Integer Amount of buy orders in the orderbook
OpenSellOrders Integer Amount of sell orders in the orderbook
PrevDay Decimal Last sold price exactly 24h ago
Created String Date and time of when the market was created, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
DisplayMarketName String Full name of the market


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : {
        "buy" : [{
                "Quantity" : 51.37001234,
                "Rate" : 0.00522000
        "sell" : [{
                "Quantity" : 32.87752402,
                "Rate" : 0.00540000
            }, {
                "Quantity" : 24.00780000,
                "Rate" : 0.00550000
            }, {
                "Quantity" : 53.00003500,
                "Rate" : 0.00600000

Used to get retrieve the orderbook for a given market.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)
type required buy, sell or both to return specific type of orderbook

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Quantity Decimal Amount
Rate Decimal Price


JSON Response Example


Used to retrieve the latest trades that have occurred for a specific market.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Id Integer Unique ID of the matched order
Timestamp String Date and time of matched order, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Quantity Integer Amount of pair currency sold or bought
Price Integer Price at which it was matched
Total Integer Total amount in base currency for the order
FillType String FILL or PARTIAL_FILL
OrderType String Buy or Sell


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : [
         "CurrencyLong": "Ethereum",
         "Currency": "ETH",
         "AssetType": "COIN",
         "CanWithdraw": true,
         "CanDeposit": true,
         "CanTrade": true,
         "PendingDeposits": 0,
         "PendingWithdrawals": 0,
         "Note": null,
         "IsVisible": true
         "CurrencyLong": "Nano",
         "Currency": "NANO",
         "AssetType": "COIN",
         "CanWithdraw": false,
         "CanDeposit": false,
         "CanTrade": true,
         "PendingDeposits": 0,
         "PendingWithdrawals": 0,
         "Note": null,
         "IsVisible": true

Used to retrieve the system related status for all currencies listed on Txbit, such as can the currency be deposited, withdrawn or traded. How many pending deposits and withdrawals there are and a development note if it exists.


Query Parameters


Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
CurrencyLong String Currency full name
Currency String Currency ticker
AssetType String COIN or TOKEN
CanWithdraw Boolean If it is possible to withdraw currency (true or false)
CanDeposit Boolean If it is possible to deposit currency (true or false)
CanTrade Boolean If the currency is currently tradeable (true or false)
PendingDeposits Integer Amount of pending deposits to the currency wallet
PendingWithdrawals Integer Amount of pending withdrawals from the currency wallet
Note String A note regarding the currency from the Txbit developers
IsVisible String If the currency is currently visible in the Wallets section on Txbit


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : [
         "CurrencyLong": "Bitcoin",
         "Currency": "BTC",
         "AssetType": "COIN",
         "ConsensusType": "POW",
         "Supply": 20853657.86730037,
         "MarketCap": 247191127432.40594,
         "BidPrice": 1,
         "Algorithm": "SHA256",
         "Website": "",
         "Explorer": "",
         "SourceCode": "",
         "Announcement": null,
         "CoinMarketCap": "",
         "CoinGecko": "",
         "Description": "Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.",
         "BlockCount": 1517605,
         "IsAvailable": false,
         "LastBlock": "2019-05-20T18:38:54Z",
         "MasternodeCount": 0

Used to retrieve specific information and metadata about the listed currency on Txbit.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency required a string literal for the currency (ex: BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
CurrencyLong String Currency full name
Currency String Currency ticker
AssetType String COIN or TOKEN
ConsensusType String Type of consensus this currency uses (POW, POS, DPOS, etc.)
Supply Decimal Current total supply of the currency
MarketCap Decimal Total market capitalization of the currency (Supply * Last Price)
Bid Decimal Last price sold on Txbit
Algorithm String Algorithm used by the currency
Website String Currency website
Explorer String Currency block explorer
SourceCode String A URL to the Github or another version control platform for the currency
Announcement String Bitcointalk announcement URL (null if not available)
CoinMarketCap String CoinMarketCap URL (null if not available)
CoinGecko String CoinGecko URL (null if not available)
Description String A short description of the currency
BlockCount Integer The current blockheight of the currency on Txbit
IsAvailable Boolean If the currency wallet is available or not
LastBlock String Date and Time when the last block was found for the currency on Txbit, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
MasternodeCount Integer The number of active Masternodes on the currency (0 if currency does not use Masternodes)


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : [
         "Currency": "BTC",
         "CurrencyLong": "Bitcoin",
         "TotalDeposits": 101.72962148,
         "TotalWithdrawals": 91.10889868,
         "HotWalletBalance": 0.66776497,
         "ColdWalletBalance": 10.07862102,
         "Date": "2019-06-27T14:19:04.917Z",
         "Balance": 0.12566319,
         "BalancePercentage": 108.44

Used to retrieve solvency information for listed currencies on Txbit. See the current Hot wallet and Cold wallet balances, Total deposits and withdrawals and the final balance to prove solvency. All calculated in real time.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency required a string literal for the currency (ex: BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Currency String Currency ticker
CurrencyLong String Currency full name
TotalDeposits Decimal Total combined deposits of this currency to Txbit
TotalWithdrawals Decimal Total combined withdrawals of this currency from Txbit
HotWalletBalance Decimal Current Hot Wallet balance
ColdWalletBalance Decimal Current Cold Wallet Balance
Date String Date and Time of when this information was requested, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Balance Decimal Final solvency balance. Calculation: (HotWalletBalance + ColdWalletBalance) - (TotalDeposits - TotalWithdrawals)
BalancePercentage Decimal Percentage value of the wallet solvency

Market API


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : {
            "uuid" : "212ct4a4-3d13-13e3-9ss5-342371b86ab6"

Used to place a Buy Limit order in a specific market. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW TRADING).

The quantity must be limited to 4 decimal places (0.0000) or you will receive a QUANTITY_INVALID error message when trying to set the order.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)
quantity required the amount to purchase (ex: LTC/BTC)
rate required the price at which the order will be placed (ex: LTC/BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
uuid String Unique order ID can be used to cancel the order


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : {
            "uuid" : "212ct4a4-3d13-13e3-9ss5-342371b86ab6"

Used to place a Sell Limit order in a specific market. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW TRADING).

The quantity must be limited to 4 decimal places (0.0000) or you will receive a QUANTITY_INVALID error message when trying to set the order.


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market required a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)
quantity required the amount to purchase (ex: LTC/BTC)
rate required the price at which the order will be placed (ex: LTC/BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
uuid String Unique order ID can be used to cancel the order


JSON Response Example

Returns you the order uuid

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : null

Used to cancel a buy or sell order. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW TRADING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
uuid required uuid of buy or sell order


JSON Response Example


Get all orders that you currently have opened. A specific market can be requested. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW TRADING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market optional a string literal for the market (ex: LTC/BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
OrderType String Type of order (LIMIT_SELL or LIMIT_BUY)
Uuid String Not currently used. Will stay null
OrderUuid String Unique order ID
Exchange String Market Name: Trade Pair ticker / Base Market ticker
Quantity Decimal Total initial quantity of the order
QuantityRemaining Decimal Remaining amount to be matched
Limit Decimal Limit price of the order
CommissionPaid Decimal The trading fee paid for executed order
Price Decimal Current average price for this order
PricePerUnit Decimal Not currently in use
Opened String Date and time of when the order was set, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Closed Decimal Not in use for getopenordersmethod
CancelInitiated Boolean If the order was cancelled (true or false)
ImmediateOrCancel Boolean Not currently used
IsConditional boolean Not currently used
Condition string Not currently used
ConditionTarget string Not currently used

Account API


JSON Response Example


Used to retrieve all balances from your account. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters


Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Uuid String Unique identifier for the currency
Currency String Currency ticker
Balance Decimal Total balance of the wallet (Available + Pending)
Available Decimal Current available balance
Pending Decimal Balance currently in orders
CryptoAddress String Deposit address
Requested Boolean Not currently used, will stay as false


JSON Response Example


Used to retrieve the balance from your account for a specific asset. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Uuid String Unique identifier for the currency
Currency String Currency ticker
Balance Decimal Total balance of the wallet (Available + Pending)
Available Decimal Current available balance
Pending Decimal Balance currently in orders
CryptoAddress String Deposit address
Requested Boolean Not currently used, will stay as false


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : {
        "Currency" : "BTC",
        "Address" : "3TESKeKGXJWYS2WVpJ76HYuKAu3URSDtUS"

Used to retrieve or generate an address for a specific currency. If one does not exist, the call will fail and return ADDRESS_GENERATING until one is available. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC)

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Currency String Currency ticker of the requested address
Address String Deposit address


JSON Response Example


Used to withdraw funds from your account. Note: please account for txfee. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW WITHDRAWAL).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency required a string literal for the market (ex: BTC)
quantity required amount to withdraw
address required asset will be sent to this address
paymentid optional used for CryptoNote/BitShareX/Nxt/XRP and any other coin that has a memo/message/tag/paymentid option

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
uuid String Unique ID of the withdrawal


JSON Response Example


Used to retrieve a single order by uuid. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
uuid required the uuid of the buy or sell order

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
Type String Type of order (LIMIT_SELL or LIMIT_BUY)
AccountID String Not currently used
CommissionReserved Decimal Not currently used
CommissionReserveRemaining Decimal Not currently used
Sentinel Decimal Not currently used
IsOpen Boolean Represents if the order is open or closed (true or false)
OrderUuid String Unique order ID
Exchange String Market Name: Trade Pair ticker / Base Market ticker
Quantity Decimal Total initial quantity of the order
QuantityRemaining Decimal Remaining amount to be matched
Limit Decimal Limit price of the order
CommissionPaid Decimal The trading fee paid for executed order
Price Decimal The current average price for this order
PricePerUnit Decimal Not currently used
Opened String Date and time of when the order was set, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Closed String Date and time of when the order was filled/closed, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
CancelInitiated Boolean If the order was cancelled (true or false)
ImmediateOrCancel Boolean Not currently used
IsConditional boolean Not currently used
Condition string Not currently used
ConditionTarget string Not currently used


JSON Response Example

    "success" : true,
    "message" : "",
    "result" : [{
            "OrderUuid" : "0476b3c7-9bc1-49ca-ae35-cadef6861f84",
            "Exchange" : "XLR/BTC",
            "TimeStamp" : "2018-10-15T11:38:45.947Z",
            "OrderType" : "LIMIT_BUY",
            "Limit" : 0.00000001,
            "Quantity" : 100000.00000000,
            "QuantityRemaining" : 100000.00000000,
            "Commission" : 0.00000000,
            "Price" : 0.00000000,
            "PricePerUnit" : null,
            "IsConditional" : false,
            "Condition" : null,
            "ConditionTarget" : null,
            "ImmediateOrCancel" : false
        }, {
            "OrderUuid" : "0476b3c7-9bc1-49ca-ae35-cadef6861f84",
            "Exchange" : "ETH/BTC",
            "TimeStamp" : "2018-10-15T11:38:45.947Z",
            "OrderType" : "LIMIT_SELL",
            "Limit" : 0.00002950,
            "Quantity" : 667.03644955,
            "QuantityRemaining" : 0.00000000,
            "Commission" : 0.00004921,
            "Price" : 0.01968424,
            "PricePerUnit" : 0.00002950,
            "IsConditional" : false,
            "Condition" : null,
            "ConditionTarget" : null,
            "ImmediateOrCancel" : false

Used to retrieve your order history. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
market optional a string literal for the market (ie. BTC-LTC). If omitted, will return for all markets.

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
OrderUuid String Unique order ID
Exchange String Market Name: Trade Pair ticker / Base Market ticker
TimeStamp String Date and time of when the order was filled/closed, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
OrderType String Type of order used
Limit Decimal Limit price of the order
Quantity Decimal Total initial quantity of the order
QuantityRemaining Decimal Remaining amount to be matched
Commission Decimal The trading fee paid for executed order
Price Decimal The current average price for this order
PricePerUnit Decimal Not currently used
IsConditional boolean Not currently used
Condition string Not currently used
ConditionTarget string Not currently used
ImmediateOrCancel Boolean Not currently used


JSON Response Example


Used to retrieve your withdrawal history. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency optional a string literal for the asset (ie. BTC). If omitted, will return for all assets.

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
PaymentUuid String Unique ID of the withdrawal
Currency String Currency Ticker of the withdrawal
Amount Decimal The amount withdrawn
Address String Withdrawal address
Opened String Date and time of when the withdrawal was initiated, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Authorized Boolean If the withdrawal has been confirmed by email (true or false)
PendingPayment Boolean If the withdrawal is in pending state (true or false)
TxCost Decimal The cost of the transaction fee for the withdrawal
TxId String The blockchain Transaction ID. Will be null until it is authorized by email.
Canceled Boolean If the withdrawal request has been cancelled (true or false)
InvalidAddress Boolean Not currently used


JSON Response Example


Used to retrieve your deposit history. Must authenticate and have proper permissions set up on the API keys(ALLOW READING).


Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description
currency optional a string literal for the asset (ie. BTC). If omitted, will return for all assets.

Returned Parameters

Parameter Parameter Type Description
PaymentUuid String Unique ID of the deposit
Currency String Currency Ticker of the deposit
Amount Decimal The amount deposited
Address String Deposit address
Opened String Date and time of when the deposit, timestamp in ISO 8601 format
Authorized Boolean Always true for deposit
PendingPayment Boolean While the deposit is confirmed it will stay in true state. When deposit is credited the state changes to false
TxCost Decimal Cost for deposits is always 0
TxId String The blockchain Transaction ID.
Canceled Boolean Always false for deposit
InvalidAddress Boolean Not currently used